Preflight and Inflight
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One of the main differences between Wing and other languages is that it unifies both infrastructure definitions and application logic under the same programming model. This is enabled by the concepts of the preflight and inflight execution phases:
- Preflight: Code that runs once, at compile time, and generates the infrastructure configuration of your cloud application. For example, setting up databases, queues, storage buckets, API endpoints, etc.
- Inflight: Code that runs at runtime and implements your application's behavior. For example, handling API requests, processing queue messages, etc. Inflight code can be executed on various compute platforms in the cloud, such as function services (such as AWS Lambda or Azure Functions), containers (such as ECS or Kubernetes), VMs or even physical servers.
Preflight code
Your preflight code runs once, at compile time, and defines your application's infrastructure configuration. This configuration is then consumed by an infrastructure provisioning engine such as Terraform, CloudFormation, Pulumi or Kubernetes.
For example, this code snippet defines a storage bucket using a class from the standard library:
bring cloud;
let bucket = new cloud.Bucket();
There is no special annotation to define that this is preflight code because preflight is Wing's default execution phase.
Compiling the program with the Wing CLI will synthesize the configuration files which can be used to create the bucket and initialize its contents on a cloud provider.
Preflight code can be also used to configure services or set up more complex event listeners.
In this code snippet, we've specified the bucket's contents will be publicly accessible, and it will be pre-populated with a file during the app's deployment (not while the app is running).
bring cloud;
let bucket = new cloud.Bucket(public: true);
bucket.addObject("file1.txt", "Hello world!");
There are a few global functions with specific behaviors in preflight.
For example, adding a log()
statement to your preflight code will result in Wing printing a message to the console after compilation.
// hello.w
log("7 * 6 = {7 * 6}");
$ wing compile hello.w
7 * 6 = 42
Likewise, assert()
statements can be evaluated during preflight, and will cause compilation to fail if the assertion fails.
// hello.w
assert(2 + 2 == 5);
$ wing compile hello.w
error: assertion failed: 2 + 2 == 5
Inflight code
Inflight blocks are where you write asynchronous runtime code that can directly interact with resources through their inflight APIs. Inflight functions can be easily packaged and executed onto compute platforms like containers, CI/CD pipelines or FaaS. Inflight code can also be executed multiple times and on different machines in parallel.
Let's walk through some examples.
Inflight code is always contained inside a block that starts with the word inflight
let greeting = inflight () => {
log("Hello from the cloud!");
Inflight code can call other inflight functions and methods.
For example, cloud.Bucket
has an inflight method named list()
that can be called inside inflight contexts:
bring cloud;
let bucket = new cloud.Bucket();
let firstObject = inflight (): str => {
let items = bucket.list();
Even though bucket
is defined in preflight, it's okay to use its inflight method in inflight code because it will always refer to the same bucket "instance" after deployment.
Executing inflight code
For an inflight function to actually get executed, it must be provided to an API that expects inflight code. For example, we can provide it to a cloud.Function
bring cloud;
let func = new cloud.Function(inflight () => {
log("Hello from the cloud!");
represents an ephemeral, short-lived function, and it expects an inflight function as its first argument. It's responsible for packaging the code (as well as any any other inflight code it calls) so that it can be executed on cloud compute platforms.
Today, inflights are typically compiled into JavaScript, but Wing may also be able to compile them into state machines, orchestrated workflows, and other formats in the future.
Restrictions on inflight code
Inflight code cannot be executed during preflight, because inflight APIs assume all resources have already been deployed.
firstObject(); // error: Cannot call into inflight phase while preflight
Likewise, inflight code cannot call preflight code, because preflight code has the capability to modify your application's infrastructure configuration, which is disallowed after deployment.
For example, since addObject
is a preflight method, it cannot be called in inflight:
bring cloud;
let bucket = new cloud.Bucket();
let saveCalculation = inflight () => {
bucket.addObject("file1", "{2 ** 10}"); // error: Cannot call into preflight phase while inflight
Instead, to insert an object into the bucket at runtime you would have to use an inflight method from the Bucket
class, like put
Since a class's initializer is just a special kind of preflight function, it also isn't possible to initialize regular classes during preflight:
bring cloud;
inflight () => {
new cloud.Bucket(); // error: Cannot create preflight class "Bucket" in inflight phase
Combining preflight and inflight code
Preflight and inflight functions can be grouped together using classes. A preflight class (the default kind of class) can contain both preflight and inflight methods, as well as preflight and inflight properties.
Here's a class that models a queue that can replay its messages.
A cloud.Bucket
stores the history of messages, and a cloud.Counter
helps with sequencing each new message as it's added to the queue.
bring cloud;
class ReplayableQueue {
queue: cloud.Queue;
bucket: cloud.Bucket;
counter: cloud.Counter;
new() {
this.queue = new cloud.Queue();
this.bucket = new cloud.Bucket();
this.counter = new cloud.Counter();
setConsumer(fn: inflight (str): str){
inflight push(m: str) {
this.bucket.put("messages/{}", m);
inflight replay(){
for i in this.bucket.list() {
let rq = new ReplayableQueue();
It's also possible to define inflight classes. An inflight class can only contain inflight methods and properties. Inflight classes are safe to create in inflight contexts.
For example, this inflight class can be created in an inflight contexts, and its methods can be called in inflight contexts:
inflight () => {
class Person {
name: str;
age: num;
new(name: str, age: num) { = name;
this.age = age;
pub greet() {
log("Hello, {}!");
let p = new Person("John", 30);
Using preflight data from inflight
While inflight code can't call preflight code, it's perfectly ok to reference data from preflight.
For example, the cloud.Api
class has a preflight field named url
Since the URL is a string, it can be directly referenced inflight:
bring cloud;
bring http;
let api = new cloud.Api();
api.get("/test", inflight (req: cloud.ApiRequest): cloud.ApiResponse => {
return cloud.ApiResponse {
status: 200,
body: "success!"
let checkEndpoint = inflight () => {
let url = api.url; // this is OK
let path = "{url}/test";
let response = http.get(path);
assert(response.status == 200);
new cloud.Function(checkEndpoint);
However, mutation to preflight data is not allowed.
This mean means that variables from preflight cannot be reassigned to, and mutable collections like MutArray
and MutMap
cannot be modified (they're turned into their immutable counterparts, Array
and Map
, respectively when accessed inflight).
let var count = 3;
let names = MutArray<str>["John", "Jane", "Joe"];
count = count + 1; // OK
names.push("Jack"); // OK
inflight () => {
count = count + 1; // error: Variable cannot be reassigned from inflight
names.push("Jill"); // error: push doesn't exist in Array
Lift qualification
Preflight objects referenced inflight are called "lifted" objects:
let preflight_str = "hello from preflight";
inflight () => {
log(preflight_str); // `preflight_str` is "lifted" into inflight.
During the lifting process the compiler tries to figure out in what way the lifted objects are being used.
This is how Winglang generates least privilage permissions. Consider the case of lifting a cloud.Bucket
bring cloud;
let bucket = new cloud.Bucket();
new cloud.Function(inflight () => {
bucket.put("key", "value"); // `bucket` is lifted and `put` is being used on it
In this example the compiler generates the correct write access permissions for the cloud.Function
on bucket
based on the fact we're put
ing into it. We say bucket
's lift is qualified with put
Explicit lift qualification
In some cases the compiler can't figure out (yet) the lift qualifications, and therefore will report an error:
bring cloud;
let main_bucket = new cloud.Bucket() as "main";
let secondary_bucket = new cloud.Bucket() as "backup";
let use_main = true;
new cloud.Function(inflight () => {
let var b = main_bucket;
if !use_main {
b = secondary_bucket;
b.put("key", "value"); // Error: the compiler doesn't know the possible values for `b` and therefore can't qualify the lift.
To explicitly qualify lifts in an inflight closure or inflight method and suppress the above compiler error, create a lift
bring cloud;
let main_bucket = new cloud.Bucket() as "main";
let secondary_bucket = new cloud.Bucket() as "backup";
let use_main = true;
new cloud.Function(inflight () => {
let var b = main_bucket;
if !use_main {
b = secondary_bucket;
// Explicitly state that methods named `put` may be used on `main_bucket` and `secondary_bucket`
lift {main_bucket: [put], secondary_bucket: [put]} {
// Error is supressed in this block and all possible values of `b` are explicitly qualified with `put`
b.put("key1", "value");
b.put("key2", "value");
Within the first clause of the lift
block, a list of qualifications on preflight objects can be added.
Statements within a lift
block are exempt from the compiler's analyzer that tries to determine preflight object usage automatically.
If an inflight method is directly or indirectly called within a lift
block without sufficient resource qualifications, it may result in errors at runtime.
Inflight hosts
Compute environments where inflight code is executed are called inflight hosts. For example, AWS Lambda, machines, and Fargate containers are all examples of compute environments that can run inflight code.
In order to run a piece of inflight code, the inflight host may need additional configuration. For example, to run an inflight function that reads from a storage bucket, the inflight host may require permissions to read from the bucket, or may require certain environment variables to be set, or may require network policies must be configured.
Preflight classes can be used to encapsulate these requirements.
Any preflight class can implement a method named onLift
that is called when the class is used in inflight code, where requirements can be added to the inflight host.
Here's an example where a class named Model
requires an AWS Lambda function to have permission to invoke a model inference:
bring aws;
pub class Model {
modelId: str;
new(modelId: str) {
this.modelId = modelId;
pub inflight invoke(body: Json): Json {
// call the AWS SDK to invoke the model...
return "success";
pub inflight printModelId() {
log("Model ID: {this.modelId}");
pub onLift(host: std.IInflightHost, ops: Array<str>) {
if ops.contains("invoke") {
if let lambda = aws.Function.from(host) {
actions: ["bedrock:InvokeModel"],
effect: aws.Effect.ALLOW,
resources: [
} else {
throw "Unsupported inflight host type";
} else {
// no requirements for other operations
has two public inflight methods, invoke
and printModelId
Inside the onLift
method, the class checks if the "invoke" method was one of the operations requested by the inflight host.
It then checks if inflight host is an AWS Lambda function, and if so, it adds a policy statement to the Lambda function that allows it to invoke the model.
Under the hood, the compiler will call onLift
on the Model
class once for each inflight host that uses it.
should not be called directly.
If you want to associate requirements with the static methods of a class, you must define a static method named onLiftType
pub class Model {
pub static inflight myStaticMethod() {
// ...
pub static onLiftType(host: std.IInflightHost, ops: Array<str>) {
if ops.contains("myStaticMethod") {
// ...
The kinds of requirements that can be added to an inflight host depend on the type of host. Check the documentation for the specific inflight host you're using to see what requirements can be added.
Phase-independent code
The global functions log
, assert
, and throw
can all be used in both preflight and inflight code.
Issue #435 is tracking support for the capability to define phase-independent functions.
- Preflight code is code that runs once, at compile time, to generate the infrastructure configuration of your cloud application.
- Inflight code is code that runs at runtime to handle your application logic.
- Wing programs start in preflight, but can switch to inflight using the
keyword. - Classes can be used to group preflight and inflight code together.
- Inflight functions can only be called in inflight contexts, and preflight functions can only be called in preflight contexts.
- Inflight code can reference data like global variables and class fields from preflight, but the data cannot be mutated.