Managing Winglang Libraries with AWS CodeArtifact
Winglang provides a solution for contributing to its Winglibs project. This is the way to go if you only need to wrap a particular cloud resource on one or more platforms. Just follow the guidelines. However, while developing the initial version of the Endor middleware framework, I had different needs.
First, the Endor library is in a very initial exploratory phase—far from a maturity level to be considered a contribution candidate for publishing in the public NPM Registry.
Second, it includes several supplementary and still immature tool libraries, such as Exceptions and Logging. These tools need to be published separately (see explanation below). Therefore, I needed a solution for managing multiple NPM Packages in one project.
Third, I wanted to explore how prospective Winglang customers will be able to manage their internal libraries.
For that goal, I decided to experiment with the AWS CodeArtifact service configured to play the role of my internal NPM Registry.
This publication is an experience report about the first phase, primarily focused on the developer’s experience with my Multi-Account, Multi-Platform, Multi-User (MAPU) environment, which I reported about here, here, and here. Specifically, I configured the AWS CodeArtifact Domain and Repository within my working account and postponed a more elaborate enterprise-grade system architecture to later stages. Let’s start with the overall solution overview.

Here is a brief description of the solution:
- Within my
account, I created an AWS CodeArtifact Domain tentatively named<organizationID>-platform
. - Under this Domain, I created an AWS CodeArtifact Repository tentatively named
. - This AWS CodeArtifact Repository is connected to the public npmjs repository, from which all third-party packages, including those from the official Winglibs, are downloaded.
- The AWS CodeArtifact Repository contains two types of packages:
- Those that were developed and published locally.
- Those that were cloned from the external npmjs repository.
- Locally developed packages belong to the
NPM Namespace. At the moment, this is a requirement determined by how the Winglang import system works. - The remote EC2 desktop instance is configured to use the AWS CodeArtifact Repository as its NPM Registry using a temporary session token valid for 12 hours.
- As a developer, I communicate with my remote desktop using the VS Code Remote feature, described in the previous publication.
I found this arrangement suitable for a solo developer and researcher. A real organization, even of a middle size, will require some substantial adjustments — subject to further investigation.
Let’s now look at some technical implementation details.
Cloud Resources Allocation
Using Cloud Formation templates is always my preferred option. In this case, I created two simple Cloud Formation templates. One for creating an AWS CodeArtifact Domain resource:
"AWSTemplateFormatVersion": "2010-09-09",
"Description": "Template to create a CodeArtifact Domain; to be a part of platform template",
"Resources": {
"ArtifactDomain": {
"Type" : "AWS::CodeArtifact::Domain",
"Properties" : {
"DomainName" : "o-4e7dgfcrpx-platform"
And another - for creating an AWS CodeArtifact Repository resource:
"AWSTemplateFormatVersion": "2010-09-09",
"Description": "Template to create a CodeArtifact repository; to be a part of account template",
"Resources": {
"ArtifactRespository": {
"Type" : "AWS::CodeArtifact::Repository",
"Properties" : {
"Description" : "artifact repository for this <winglang> account",
"DomainName" : "o-4e7dgfcrpx-platform",
"RepositoryName": "winglang-artifacts",
"ExternalConnections" : [ "public:npmjs" ]
These templates are mere placeholders for future, more serious, development.
The same could be achieved with Winglang, as follows:
Many thanks to Elad Ben-Israel for bringing this option to my attention. Currently, the whole MAPU system is implemented in Python and CloudFormation. Re-implementing it completely in Winglang would be a fascinating case study.
Configuring npm with the login command
I followed the official guidelines and created the following Bash script:
aws codeartifact get-authorization-token \
--domain o-4e7dgfcrpx-platform \
--domain-owner 851725645964 \
--query authorizationToken \
--output text)
aws codeartifact get-repository-endpoint \
--domain o-4e7dgfcrpx-platform \
--domain-owner 851725645964 \
--repository winglang-artifacts \
--format npm \
--query repositoryEndpoint \
--output text)
export REGISTRY=$(echo "$REPOSITORY_ENDPOINT" | sed 's|https:||')
npm config set registry=$REPOSITORY_ENDPOINT
npm config set $REGISTRY:_authToken=$CODEARTIFACT_AUTH_TOKEN
Here is a brief description of the script’s logic:
- Using the AWS CLI, retrieve an AWS CodeArtifact session token (valid for the next 12 hours).
- Using the AWS CLI, the AWS CodeArtifact repository endpoint in a format compatible with NPM.
- Use the NPM
command to set the endpoint. - Use the NPM
command to set up session authentication.
Placing this script in the [/etc/profile.d](
ensures that it will be automatically executed at every user login thus making the whole communication with AWS CodeArtifact instead of the official [npmjs](
repository completely transparent for the end user.
Publishing Custom Libraries
Implementing this operation while addressing my specific needs required a more sophisticated logic reflected in the following script:
set -euo pipefail
# Function to clean up tarball and extracted package
cleanup() {
rm *.tgz
rm -fR package
# Function to calculate the checksum of a package tarball
calculate_checksum() {
local tarball=$(ls *.tgz | head -n 1)
tar -xzf "$tarball"
cd package || exit 1
local checksum=$(\
tar \
--exclude='$lib' \
--sort=name \
--mtime='UTC 1970-01-01' \
--owner=0 \
--group=0 \
--numeric-owner -cf - . | sha256sum | awk '{print $1}')
cd ..
echo "$checksum"
get_version() {
PACKAGE_VERSION=$(jq -r '.version' package.json)
publish() {
echo "Publishing new version: $PACKAGE_VERSION"
npm publish --access public --tag latest *.tgz
exit 0
# Step 1: Read the package version from package.json
PACKAGE_NAME=$(jq -r '.name' package.json)
# Step 2: Check the latest version in the npm registry
LATEST_VERSION=$(npm show "$PACKAGE_NAME" version 2>/dev/null || echo "")
# Step 3: Prepare wing package
wing pack
# Step 4: If the versions are not equal, publish the new version
if [[ "$PACKAGE_VERSION" != "$LATEST_VERSION" ]]; then
# Download the latest package tarball
npm pack "$PACKAGE_NAME@$LATEST_VERSION" > /dev/null 2>&1
# Step 5: Compare the checksums
echo "No changes detected. Checksum matches the latest published version."
exit 0
echo "Checksums do not match. Bumping patch version..."
npm version patch
wing pack
Here is a brief explanation of what happens in this script:
- Step 1: Using the
command, extract the package name and version from thepackage.json
file. - Step 2: Using the
[npm show](
command, extract the package version number from the registry. - Step 3: Using the
[wing pack](
command, prepare the package .tgz file. - Step 4: If version numbers differ, publish the new version using the
[npm publish](
command. - Step 5: If the versions are equal, calculate the checksum for the current and most recently published package. If the checksum values are equal, do nothing. Otherwise, using the
[npm version patch](
command, automatically bump up the[patch](
version number, rebuild the .tgz file, and publish the new version.
Reliable checksum validation was the most challenging part of developing this script. The wing pack
command creates a special @lib
folder within the resulting .tgz
archive. This folder introduces some randomness and can be affected by several factors, including Winglang compiler upgrades. Additionally, the .tgz
file checksum calculation is sensitive to the order and timestamps of individual files. As a result, comparing the results of direct checksum calculation for the current and published packages was not an option.
To overcome these limitations, new archives are created with the @lib
folder excluded and file order and timestamps normalized. The assistance of the ChatGPT 4o tool proved instrumental, especially in addressing this challenge.
In the current implementation, I keep this script in my home directory and invoke it from a common [](
Makefile used for all libraries (this might change in the future):
.PHONY: all compile-deps build-ts prepare test publish
all: publish
npm install && npm update
compile-ts: update-deps
ifneq ($(wildcard tsconfig.json),)
@echo "tsconfig.json found, running tsc..."
@echo "tsconfig.json not found, skipping TypeScript compilation."
test: compile-ts
wing test -t sim ./test/*.test.w
publish: test
To explain why I chose this particular way of publishing logic, I need to explain my overall project structure, illustrated in the diagram below:

The top of the diagram above reflects the NMP packages involved and their dependencies are depicted at the top, while the bottom part reflects my project folder structure.
The endor
package is the ultimate goal of this development activity: an exploratory middleware framework for the Winglang programming language. Its efficacy is validated by a separate todo.endor.w
application. Initially, both modules were kept together. However, keeping pure application parts separate from the infrastructure became progressively challenging.
The endor
package uses three auxiliary packages logging
, exception
, and datetimex
. These three packages are potential candidates to be contributed to the Winglibs project. However, they are still under active experimentation and development and are kept within the same Github repository.
Additionally, the endor
package depends on other packages published on the public [npmjs](
registry. Some of these packages, such as dynamodb
and jwt
belong to the same @winglibs
namespace, while others do not.
I face a mixed-case challenge: the system already has a modular structure, but all components are under intensive development, requiring instant propagation of changes. As a solo developer and researcher, I still do not need more sophisticated CI/CD solutions, but rather employ a master Makefile to pull everything together:
.PHONY: all \
update_npm \
update_wing \
update_tsc \
make_datetimex \
make_exception \
make_logging \
all: update_wing make_endor
sudo npm update -g npm
update_tsc: update_npm
sudo npm update -g tsc
update_wing: update_tsc
sudo npm update -g winglang
$(MAKE) -C ./datetimex -f ../
make_logging: make_datetimex
$(MAKE) -C ./logging -f ../
$(MAKE) -C ./exception -f ../
make_endor: make_exception make_logging
$(MAKE) -C ./endor -f ../
The todo.endor.w
Makefile looks like this:
.PHONY: all update_wing install_endor test_local
cloud ?= aws
target := target/$(cloud)
sudo npm update -g npm
update_wing: update_npm
sudo npm update -g winglang
npm install && npm update
test_local: update_wing install_endor build_ts test_app
wing test -t sim ./test/*.w
wing test -t tf-$(cloud) ./test/service.test.w
wing run -t sim ./dev.main.w
wing compile ./main.w -t tf-$(cloud)
tf-init: compile
( \
cd $(target) ;\
terraform init \
deploy: tf-init
( \
cd $(target) ;\
terraform apply -auto-approve \
( \
cd $(target) ;\
terraform destroy -auto-approve \
This arrangement allows me to keep modules isolated, make changes in several places where appropriate, and perform fully automated build and verification without needing manual version updates within multiple package.json
Specifying cross-package dependencies is another point to pay attention to. Here is the endor
package specification:
"name": "@winglibs/endor",
"description": "Wing middleware framework library",
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": "",
"directory": "endor"
"version": "0.0.19",
"author": {
"email": "",
"name": "Asher Sterkin"
"license": "MIT",
"peerDependencies": {
"@authenio/samlify-node-xmllint": "2.x.x",
"@winglibs/dynamodb": "0.x.x",
"@winglibs/jwt": "0.x.x",
"qs": "6.x.x",
"samlify": "2.x.x",
"ws": "8.x.x",
"inflection": "3.x.x",
"@winglibs/exception": "0.x.x",
"@winglibs/logging": "0.x.x"
Notice that, unlike traditional formats, all dependencies are specified using the x
placeholder without the leading ^
symbol. This is because, with the ^
prefix included, the most up-to-date versions are brought in only for the final todo.endor.w
application, whereas I needed them to be used in the dependent modules' unit tests. Using the x
placeholder instead does the job.
In summary, while not final, the described solution provides good enough treatment for all essential requirements at the current stage of the system evolution. As the system grows, adequate adjustments will be implemented and reported. Stay tuned.
Throughout the preparation of this publication, I utilized several key tools to enhance the draft and ensure its quality.
The initial draft was crafted with the organizational capabilities of Notion's free subscription, facilitating the structuring and development of ideas.
For grammar and spelling review, the free version of Grammarly proved useful for identifying and correcting basic errors, ensuring the readability of the text.
The enhancement of stylistic expression and the narrative coherence checks were performed using the paid version of ChatGPT 4o. The ChatGPT 4o tool was also used for developing the package publishing script and creation of NMP elements icons.
While these advanced tools and resources significantly contributed to the preparation process, the concepts, solutions, and final decisions presented in this article are entirely my own, for which I bear full responsibility.